Friday, October 26, 2012

Die Hard 5

Over the past few years, Bruce Willis has continued to amaze audiences around the world with his dynamic film performances, from comedies like this year's Moonrise Kingdom and recent ones like Cop Out and Red, to action and science fiction films like Surrogates, the Expendables, and most recently, the new time-travel film Looper.

But with a new GI Joe film in development in which Willis is scheduled to star in; he decided to return to the one film series that started his famous career... You guessed it, Die Hard.

Willis stars once again as famous cop John McClane, yet again at the wrong place at the wrong time, only in THIS film, he finds himself in the middle of a huge terrorist prison break/war that can only be located in the most imperialistic country in the world- Russia! And to make matters either worse or exciting, McClane's KIDS are helping him in the film. Yes, that's right. Jack and Lucy McClane, first seen as youths in the first film are all grown up and following in their pappy's footsteps. Now THAT would be a bit of exciting for the audiences and McClane, but as usual, worse for the baddies. Hmm, sounds like a reference to Indiana Jones 4, eh? Oh and there's something else: "Jack" is NOT his son's real name. No sir, it's REALLY John McClane, JUNIOR!
Like I said, following in his footsteps.

Of course, the production/filming staff went to a LOT of trouble to set up the film's title and supporting cast. And also, the role for John McClane Jr was tried for by like a few teen actors, who nevertheless, were turned down. The role, however, went to a up-and-coming actor named Jai Courtney. As for Lucy, Mary Elizabeth Winstead takes stage again (due to her major role in Die Hard 4 in 2007). And as in the fourth film, I think Miss Lucy may have a more central part. I mean, to be fair, she is seen in the trailer driving a MOTORCYCLE and wearing a SKIN-TIGHT LEATHER outfit (Hmm, Tomb Raider or Underworld reference? Eh, who cares, its an awesome costume).

Now we come to the role of of course the main enemy of the movie. Now let me just add that several stars were competing for the role. Among them was (believe it or not) Patrick Stewart from Star Trek: TNG and the original X-Men film trilogy. Now come ON, since when the heck would Stewart play a bad guy? Well...apart from his roles in Conspiracy Theory, Mastermind, and Macbeth (the BBC TV version), you'd think that would be fit for his acting style. But... to everyone's surprise, the role went to Cole Hauser (If you don't remember the name, he was in the Riddick films and video game, so yeah, I think that name would ring a bell. Come on, the guy worked with VIN DIESEL, for cryin out loud!) So, with that detail being said, the film is loaded with special effects, epic music that's perfect for fight and explosion scenes, some suspense, a bit of driving-like-crazy chase moments...and last but TOTALLY NOT least, Mr. Willis's famed catchphrase "Yippee-ki-yay!"

Die Hard 5 is scheduled to make one EXPLOSIVE comeback on February 14, 2013 aka Valentine's Day. So, to all action movie dudes, if your date is a huge Bruce Willis fan and likes movie dates, then this film would be considered the ULTIMATE Valentine's Day gift.

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